Game manual
This is a path where the toddler and the parents needs to walk over different undergrounds barefoot, so they can experience the different feelings of water, sand, stones, ... . They get to know the different feelings with a lot of senses by walking around barefoot.
There are a lot of materials and empty boxes placed in the middle of the room or table. It’s the intention that the parents are going to fill the boxes with their toddler with the different materials. They need to order the materials in the boxes to make a box with stones, a box with water, a box with feathers ... . They have to put feathers with feathers, stones with stones, sponges with sponges ... . It’s the intention that every material gets a box. When the boxes are filled with a different kind of materials (examples by necessities), it is the purpose that they make a path with the boxes stuffed up with all the materials.
They can place the boxes in an order that they choose themselves. The path can go straight ahaed, but can includes curves, obstacles, ... . They can go for example in a path around a cone. When they have made this path, they have to take off their shoes and socks and have to walk barefoot in the different boxes. They have to finish the path with the whole family. They can stand in one box as long as they want to, but they have to take care that the whole family makes it till the end.
Variant: the toddler and the parents needs to walk over the materials blindfolded but with the help of the other family members that aren’t blindfolded. They can do this activity to create trust.
Watch out: they have to put the boxes with the wet materials (like water, mud ...) at the end, because otherwise the other boxes can get dirty.
The intention of this activity is the fact that the toddler and the parents can get used to the different materials with barefoot. They can get to know the different feelings. It’s the intention that they are going to create a path that is achievable for every member of the family, because they all needs to get at the end of the path.
Position on the wire
This activity can be put on “attach wire” position because the toddler wants to explore the path, but by exploring this path the toddler needs the proximity of the parents because it can be dangerous or the toddler can be scared. When the toddler is scared, he needs to feel that he is safe because the parents are there.
Part of the parent
Part of the toddler
They have to give the right example to their toddler by finishing the path. It’s important that they give a feeling of safety and trust to their toddler while they are fulfilling the path because the toddler can be scared or unsure about the path. The parents needs to show that they are there to catch them if something goes wrong.
The toddler needs to cooperate with the parents to create a path that they would like to do. They have to put faith in themselves and in their parents. While doing the path they have to trust the parents and have to believe that they would be there if they need them. When they are scared they have to dare and ask the help of the parents.
- Box with sand
- Box with stones
- Box with water and soap
- Box with mud
- Box with water and patato starch
- Box with potting soil
- Box with bubble plastic
- Box with rise
- Box with fake grass
- Box with sponges
- Box with beads
- Box with feathers
- Box with empty balloons
- Box with wimps
- Box with branches
- Box with blancets
- Box with pillows
At the end of the activity there is a short moment of evaluation. During the evaluation it is the intention that the toddler and the parents answer some question by standing in one of the boxes out of the path. There are asked questions like “Did you liked it?”, “Which material felt nice?”, “Which material doesn’t felt nice?”, “How did you felt during this activity?”, “Did you had faith in the others while you were blindfolded?” ... . When the question has been asked, they need to stand in one of the boxes that fittest the most with the question that has been asked. When they didn’t like the activity, they have to stand in a box with materials that they didn’t like, but when they liked it, they have to stand in a box with materials that they liked. When they had faith during the blindfolded part, they have to stand in a box with nice materials, but when they didn’t had faith, they have to stand in a box with materials that they doesn’t like... .
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